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There is space for the multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, & deeply feeling person that you are.

I know what it’s like to feel disconnected from yourself…

There was a time in my life when I lived to please others and believed that wisdom only existed outside of myself. These thought patterns trapped me in a cycle of continued disempowerment, anger, resentment, and depression.

In the pursuit of wholeness, I spent years reading books and looking to others for answers and solutions, perpetuating the notion that there was something that was broken and needed fixing.

In the pursuit of deeper meaning, genuine connections, and personal wisdom I enrolled in Johns Hopkins University. My education as a behavioral health provider  in medical settings, strengthened by thousands of hours working in hospitals and private practices, taught me to see humans through the lens of disorders and illness--fueled the notion that our suffering is an illness we must treat.

Alongside my clinical practice, I continued to seek answers outside of myself. Looking for the mindset, methodology, training program, or book that would unlock and release me from turmoil…

but there was no magic pill.

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Instead of finding personal growth and healing in new training programs or the therapist office I had my greatest AHA moments in unconventional spaces. Those challenged me to look for wisdom, power, strength, and answers within myself, rather than in the latest self help book or new therapeutic modality. 

As I worked to deepen my self-awareness, connect with myself beyond my thoughts, and uncover the wisdom I have within,

I learned to deconstruct old narratives and write new stories, allowing me to become a choice-maker in my life.

The more I deepened my compassion practice, the deeper dissonance I experienced. The thinkers, spaces, and philosophies that transformed my life, viewed people and the world in a radically different way than I had been taught.

After a decade of personal transformation, academic study at Johns Hopkins University, and over 6,000 hours of therapeutic care…

If you are interested, to learn more about the training I have pursued, the certificates I hold, and the mentors who have shaped my work you can learn more below.

The way I practiced radically evolved. Rather than seeking wholeness externally, I see myself and others as having wholeness within & through curiosity and compassion, we can unlock the wisdom that is waiting to break free.

I also began to notice that the more fully I showed up in sessions, the deeper my clients began to go. I began incorporating the spiritual, existential, and philosophical lenses that I had personally explored into my therapeutic work. As my connections to myself deepen, I brought into my work my identities as a biracial, bilingual, and multicultural woman. I realized that embodying the complexity of who I was unlocked new horizons for my clients

My coaching practice has been crafted through personal and professional experiences that I weave into a unique tapestry.

Here you will find a container within which compassion, curiosity, and challenge can coexist and catalyze healing. I wish I’d found these spaces, groups, and healing work earlier in my journey and I am so excited to offer them to you now.

Welcome to a collaborative space where...

We will co-create spaces of connection, compassion, and curiosity so you can connect with your embodied wisdom.

The Wayfind Principles

Compassionate Curiosity

When we begin to relate to ourselves with the kindness we show others, and with the curiosity of a learner our defensiveness melts away and allows us to uncover our innate wisdom.

Collaborative Storytelling

Humans are meaning makers and we all have stories that keep us trapped and convince us to stay small, but we can co-create new stories which promote our liberation and expansion


Humans are born to thrive in community and when we return to our relational roots we can rewrite old stories of relational pain and trauma.


We will explore uncharted territories, and roads that have been paved and walked many times. Together we will uncover new lessons and wisdom.


Begin your journey out of chaos and into empowered agency and vibrancy.