Connect to Your Most Vibrant Life

Explore offerings that will support you in reclaiming your sense of agency, overcome burnout, and find renewed purpose.

The Wayfind Process

Within Our Coaching Container

  • We use these tools to explore, examine and release so you can regain your sense of agency, become empowered in your choices and feel alive and not overwhelmed.

The Tools

  • Curiosity

  • Compassion

  • Connection

  • Discovery


  • The Here & Now

  • Your core narratives, inner world, and the frameworks that rule your life

Building A Vibrant Life

  • Cultivating a deep, multifaceted, value driven life

From Chaos to Calm

Renewed Sense of Agency

Sourcing within yourself to create a life of empowered decisions and vibrancy.

Who this is for:

Healing for the Curious and Courageous

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You will learn to build a life beyond the carefully laid out and rigid systems you rely on, opening yourself to freedom and abundance.

You will gain life changing awareness around who you are and how you move through life

You will learn to relate to yourselves with kindness, grace, compassion, curiosity.

You will no longer be fueled and controlled by anxiety and fear

You will reclaim your agency and with it confidence and trust in yourself

We will create space for every aspect of your identity and welcome your multidimensionality.

We will be playful, creative, and patient allowing all aspects of yourself to blossom.

We will acknowledge and recognize the systems of power and privilege that play a role in our lived experience and see how they unfold in our sessions.

We will be playful, creative, and patient allowing all aspects of yourself to blossom.

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Become a change maker in your own life by cultivating a deep connection with yourself

1:1 Coaching

Group Inquiry

1:1 Coaching Container

I provide individual coaching through a four-month-long container, referred to as “a season”. This experience is for those who are ready to begin a lifelong journey of exploration, expansion, and depth.

A four month commitment to allow us to build a safe and powerful container and begin to see results. Long term change will likely require more than one season of work.

In our work together, we will take a journey. We will travel up high to see your life from the treetops and work to identify patterns and narratives that are holding you back from the life you want. We will venture into the weeds and get ultra-specific about what is causing pain or discontentment in your life.

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We will lean into your fullness and complexity, get comfortable with the unknown, and move away from narratives of deficiency and scarcity, while accepting and being open to the messy parts of the coaching experience. We will strive not for perfection or “fixing,” but for evolution and development of self. You will leave our work together with heightened self-awareness and self-compassion and a greater connection with yourself and others.

If you are ready to become a choice-maker in your life, become radically honest about the narratives holding you back, and welcome the fullness of your human experience, then I would love to connect!

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1:1 Container

For the courageous and curious person that is ready for a deep dive into self, for rediscovery, and evolution. All guided and supported by a skilled, empathic, and curious helper.

4-Month Container

$900.00 per month

Discovery Questionnaire

90 min Intake

16 x 50 min Virtual Sessions

Digital Support

Customized Resources (referrals, customized meditations, and resources)

What to Expect

  • You’ll be prompted to select a 30-minute time slot for our discovery call. Once you select your time, you’ll complete a detailed questionnaire so I can learn more about what is bringing you to this work. Please set aside 10-15 min to complete the New Client Inquiry Form.

    Then we’ll have our discovery call where we can dive into everything you’ve shared more fully.

  • If alignment and fit are present we’ll become collaborators. I will provide onboarding materials to give structure to our season together.

  • We will meet for a 90-min intake call where we’ll dive into what brought you to coaching and begin to chart a course forward.

    We’ll meet weekly and you’ll have access to me via Voxer. The rest of the process will unfold organically as we develop a relationship of mutual trust and create a container of safety, compassion, and curiosity.

    Once we’ve established (an appropriate) environment we will begin to examine the stories you hold about yourself, your relationships, and the world.Through compassionate inquiry we will begin to identify those you wish to keep and those you wish to release. Along the way you will discover new aspects of self, and create new versions of yourself. As the old stories fall away and the new ones are crafted you will begin to find yourself more and more in resonance with yourself and your inner wisdom. Awakening the empowered choice maker within and charting a course towards a transformational life.

Kind Words from Clients

“Our true nature is like a precious jewel, although it may be temporarily buried in mud, it remains completely brilliant and unaffected. We simply have to uncover it.”

– Pema Chödrön

Personal Inquiry Groups

A weekly group container aimed at profound, relational inquiry and community development.

There is no experience like this one. Members of my groups have the opportunity to experience transformational development and craft lifelong friendships. We unlearn old stories, craft new ones, and heal in community.

Join Our Personal Inquiry Group: Elevate Your Growth Journey

Currently Accepting New Clients.

Express Interest

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Personal Inquiry Groups

Our Personal Development Group is designed for curious, courageous individuals aged who are committed to deepening their understanding of self and navigating life's stressors with resilience. The group is aimed at healing relational wounds, deepening insight and developing community.

Ongoing Group Program

Price Upon Request

We meet weekly on Wednesdays at 9:15 am PST for a 75-minute virtual session, where we explore new ideas, develop relational and interpersonal skills, and provide support and guidance. This is a dynamic community that encourages intellectual exploration and personal transformation.

For the first time in over a year, we have openings for new members. If you're ready to engage in meaningful discussions, challenge your thinking, and take your personal growth to the next level, we invite you to join us.

Discovery Questionnaire

Complimentary Introductory Call

Weekly 75 min Session

Digital Community Space

Customized Resources (referrals, customized meditations, and resources)

Bespoke Program

What to Expect

  • Apply for Group HERE.

    You’ll be prompted to select a 30-minute time slot for our discovery call. Once you select your time, you’ll complete a detailed questionnaire so I can learn more about what is bringing you to this group.

    Then we’ll have our discovery call where I will emphasize the community guidelines and structure to make sure this is the right program for you. If you feel you need 1:1 support, I encourage you to explore my 1:1 coaching container.

  • If alignment and fit are present you’ll be onboarded into the group program. I will provide onboarding materials to give structure to our time together.

  • This virtual group will meet weekly for 75 minute sessions. The program is aimed at addressing relational wounds, deepening insight and developing community. There will be community guidelines and expectations for group members.

    This is a space for rich relationships to unfold and we will all hold one another. My role is to be a guide but we all have wisdom to offer one another. I do not hold the answers, but we can solve problems together.

    You will also have access to customized resources throughout our time together and access to me via an app.

  • Coaching is not a healthcare service and does not replace the clinical treatment that therapy provides. In a coaching relationship, you will not receive a diagnosis or clinical treatment plan. With coaching, I provide a safe, supportive, challenging, growth filled container that aims to support your development and becoming. Though this is not a clinical relationship, I bring my expertise to the space. If I believe a client is better suited for therapy I will refer folks out and provide resources.

  • All coaches have unique paths toward the profession, background, credentials, and style. I bring to my coaching practice a high degree of training I received while pursuing a master's degree and being trained at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Though I no longer practice under my license or provide therapy, I bring years and thousands of hours of expertise and training to my work.

    My transition from a licensed therapist to coach has been intentional, in which I sought extensive guidance and mentorship to support.

  • Unfortunately, my services are not eligible for insurance reimbursement due to the fact that these are coaching and not healthcare.

  • I encourage all prospective clients to engage in reflective practices to identify where they are at in their growth and development journey and assess if what I have shared on my site aligns with their philosophies and what you would be open to working on.

    I trust that each client will check in with themselves to assess if they are ready to embark on a collaborative growth journey with me. Please read my website fully and see if my story, my approach, and expectations resonate with you. Concretely, folks who are ready to work with me are open to being challenged, ready to do deep, and at times, messy work, and ready to stay committed to the process, and complete other expectations set out during the beginning of the coaching process.

    I wholeheartedly believe that we get out of the coaching experience as much as we are willing and able to put in. I expect my clients to invest in reaching their goals in and out of coaching sessions, recognize that change does not occur overnight, and recognize that development is something you participate in rather than something that is done upon you by a coach.

    I give my all to my work, through continuing education, masterclasses, consult groups, and my personal inquiry work.

  • The high-level structure:

    • Brief check-in.

    • Dive into the conversation and cover a few topics.

    • Wrap up (setting agenda items, assigned resources, and practices from me).

    I aim to keep sessions flexible so we can respond to your present moment needs. I open my sessions with a gentle check-in and prompt my clients to take the lead. Sometimes we will have a standing item left over from previous conversations, which we will revisit. I hold clients accountable for coming to sessions with topics they would like to cover.

    Between sessions, I recommend folks review what was discussed and take note of what they want to cover during the next call. I will provide resources, suggestions and even strongly encourage certain practices when appropriate. Specific resources will always be in response to the content we are exploring and will be adjusted to your particular needs, learning preferences, and my style.

  • When we begin our work together, we will spend a lot of time reflecting and exploring what a successful coaching relationship will look like. Goals and progress will differ based on where we begin and how long we work together. Improvement looks like facing a similar situation but having a new reaction. It can also sound like, "It was hard, and I did it anyways because it aligned with my values,” or “There's so much unknown, but I know I can lean on my community for support.”

  • I deeply believe in the idea that the more of ourselves we give to the process the more we receive. Each person is unique and starts off their coaching journey in a different place. I cannot guarantee any particular result. I commit to co-creating a space of growth with my clients and allowing the process to unfold.

  • I co-create a space of growth and exploration with my clients. Each client comes to coaching with a different story and in a different place in their journey, so there is no one size fits all. I trust that whatever shows up and how it shows up is what we can work with and will serve its purpose.

    Incorporating multiple modalities, theories, and philosophies, I craft an approach and personalized plan that honors where you are and who you are becoming. Because I know that there isn’t a 10-step-plan that fits every person because we are all unique.

  • Since coaching is not healthcare, the legal rules of confidentiality for healthcare information do not apply. However, as a coach I take your privacy very seriously and I will always hold your information in confidence to the largest extent I can. If you have specific concerns about the privacy of the information you share with me or of the content of our sessions, please let me know so that you and I can jointly create a plan to best protect you.

  • Please find some of my favorite and most frequently recommended resources here.

For your clarity

Frequently Asked Questions