Let’s Connect

I’m honored you are here.

It would bring me great joy to support you in reconnecting with yourself and making space for the fullness of your person and your experience. I hope you will join me on your journey of seeking innate wisdom and becoming a choice-maker in your life.


So, what’s next?

Step One: Apply

The application form above is an opportunity for you to provide more information regarding your background and what brings you to coaching at this time. After you have submitted your application, I will be in touch within 48 hours to discuss next steps.

Step Three: Begin

We will meet for a 90 min discovery call where we dive into what brought you to coaching and begin to chart a course forward.

Step Two: Onboard

If alignment and fit are present we become collaborators and co-creators. You will receive a pre-coaching questionnaire and onboarding documents.

Step Four: Continue

Continue your evolution through the 4-month commitment or group coaching.

Get in touch.

Sonya Jendoubi, MS.
Humanistic & Interpersonal Coach


Monday – Thursday
9:00AM – 4:00PM PST

“Let difficulty transform you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not to run away.”

– Pema Chödrön